It is with a very heavy heart, that I must inform you all of the death of my Father, Tony Cooper on Christmas Eve 2018.
By now, most of you will already know the tragic news, therefore may I take this opportunity to thank you for the outpouring of support & well wishes, throughout this very difficult transition.
Also, I begin this message with a very warm hello to all my past, present & future customers... I really do hope this message finds you all well.
I appreciate most of you will be left wondering what happens next, in regards to Coopertrains.
So if you could please take a moment to read the message below, it will explain how the business will be affected.
Well, I am very happy to report that for the most part, it will be business as usual here at Coopertrains, with the exception of the following services:
All sales of spares will be suspended with immediate effect. However, I will add the spares I am able to keep supplying, back onto the website in due course. Please note: This does not include Track, switches and any associated items. These items will still be available and unaffected.
Please contact my friend & colleague Mick Tuner for all your future Spares enquiries here
All repairs and requests for repairs can longer be accepted (to include servicing). Unfortunately, this will be a permanent measure (please refer to the About section, for all your future repair needs).
Alternatively, please contact my friend & colleague Dennis Williams, for all your future Repairs & Spares enquiries here
All Coopertrains 'Hornby Dublo Style' Sets/Locos/Coaches/Wagons & Accessories, to include future projects are currently on hold for the moment. (Please note: This is a purely temporary measure, based on current time constraints). However, I will be completing the projects my dad & I set out to do, I assure you of that!
So, with the exception of the above, all other aspects of the business, to include the continued supply of all Binns Road Hornby Dublo products, to include track and accessories, will carry on as usual. I will also be continuing the invaluable service of offering my dad's full range of Hornby Dublo Replica Boxes... All contact details will remain the same and I'm happy to report that 26 Warmden Avenue, will still remain Coopertrains HQ...
As you can imagine, things are still very tough for my family and I at this time, as we still mourn the loss of not only my Dad, but also my Mum, who as most of you know, only also passed away less than 3 months earlier, on the 12th October 2018. As a result I still ask for your continued patience, as currently it may take longer than usual to complete your order. After all, I only have one pair of hands now and in short, it will take me a good while to get back up and running to the same 'high standard' you expect from the Cooper name. I have however, inherited a cat, which now makes 3 cats in total! Unfortunately though and as hard as I have tried, all 3 of them are totally unwilling to help me in any way!
Lastly, I no longer have the facilities to accept payment via debit/credit cards. (Again, this is a temporary measure, as in time I will reinstate the facility). Lastly, I realise that it must have become quite the habit, when making cheques payable to K A Cooper. However, please could I ask you to make all future cheques/Postal Orders made payable to D Cooper.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and once again, for your continued support and patience at this very difficult time.
Very Best Wishes to you all from Darren & Boots...